Welcome to the Your Marriage Matters podcast #017 from the book, “101 Conversations Every Couple should have before they Marry.” This podcast explores how you will individually and together approach decisions related to religion and spiritual matters.
Conversation of the week – Do you see yourselves, as a couple, attending some form of church or worship? If so, where do you see yourselves going?
This is an important conversation because it addresses core values and beliefs but also can be very difficult to discuss if there is a great difference in what is important. For some people this decision concerning church attendance can be a “ deal breaker”
Several things to consider:
The topic of religion can be very difficult especially if there are significant differences in your beliefs. Be willing to ask for what you want or need because it is foundational to discussions about a multitude of topics. This subject is crucial to the long term health of your relationship and starting on the same page is also gained in this conversation.
Listener Question of the Week–my fiancé is very controlling and it is getting a little scary. My hope is this is going to go away after we marry and they see I am in this for the long haul. Is that reasonable for me to expect?
Fun Question of the Week What is the one thing you are really proud of and why?
We hope this is a great conversation and you spend the time to really understand your partner’s beliefs and attitudes.
Have a great week gang!
Jim & Christie