Welcome to the show! Our topic for the last two weeks has been MONEY; now we are moving on to a new topic---SEX. Do we have your attention? Join us for the conversation!
We urge you to HAVE the difficult conversation to improve your relationship. We all know that sex and intimacy are huge issues in marriage, and that culture and past experiences are monumental in determining our attitudes about this topic.
Here’s the question to spark your conversation: What beliefs and events from your past have most influenced your sexual behaviors and attitudes?
Each partner should write down what they believe and value about sex, then share and discuss. If you take the time to get to the heart of what you think and believe, then you will have a full picture of your experience and values about sex and intimacy. Your relationship will improve and you won’t regret the time invested in the discussion. Join us for more!
Listener Question of the Week: How much should I disclose about previous relationships with my future spouse?